Drawers Under The Sink

Pretty, but utterly impractical.

Pretty, but utterly impractical.

This one drives me a little nuts. The first time I saw it my immediate reaction was, “Wtf? You can’t have drawers under a sink. There’s a SINK in the way.” Well, yes and no – a second look at the photo does show that the drawers are more like shelves that sort of slide around the sink, but it’s still a ridiculously inefficient use of space since you can’t have anything in them except a couple of tiny bottles right up against the sides. And I still think the bottom drawer is foolin’ since there’s, you know, all that plumbing and stuff that happens underneath a sink. Unless you’ve got a freakishly huge cupboard under your sink, this pin is no use to you. Try something closer to this.

So where’d the picture come from if it’s not a DIY? That’s easy. It’s relatively monochrome, conveniently includes sparklingly clean glass, and the only splash of color or readable logo is a box of Cascade dish detergent. Ladies and gentlemen, we have an advertisement.